Q: Why do you want to be saved?
A: "Because I sin a lot, and that makes me a sinner."
Q: What does it mean to repent?
A: "Turning your back on sin and saying, 'I don't want to keep going the wrong way.'"
Q: Who can save you from your sins? How?
A: "Jesus Christ, God's one and only Son, because he came to die on the cross to pay for our sins."
Q: How do you know that Jesus' death was good enough to pay for your sins?
A: "Because God resurrected Jesus."
Q: What makes you good enough to go to heaven and be with God?
A: "When all of my sin was placed on Jesus, he gave me his obedience."
Q: Why do you want to be baptized?
A: "To show people I was spiritually dead, and now I am raised from the dead."
Q: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
A: "To follow God and do what he instructs you to do (as best as you can)."
Q: Who helps you to be a disciple of Jesus?
A: "God, because he gives you the Holy Spirit to help you obey."
Pray for Brandon that God will use him in a spectacular way to make the name of Jesus famous in the world!
~ Todd ~
Todd, I was so blessed to watch your precious son be baptized. I hadn't planned on being at church today. It's a day I prefer to stay at home because I can never bear to watch all these moms being honored while I sit there in tears wondering if I'll ever be honored in that way. I was just planning on staying home until it was announced last week that Brandon would be baptized. You and your family have meant the world to us and there was no way I would dream of missing that. What amazing timing, what a day for God to draw me out as He is moving in the heart of a child we absolutely adore.
Your family is awesome...we are so blessed to know you guys.
God bless you, Mary! I thought Roger did an excellent job with the sermon yesterday, acknowledging that there are many who struggle with the holiday. Thank you for being there for our special occasion!
Todd, I just prayed for your son.
My daughter was recently baptized.
Todd in Idaho
Todd! Thank you for praying for my son! It is so amazing how God can make a family out of people that might never meet! May God bless you richly...
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