Life is war. The casualties are millions, and the stakes are eternal. What we need today is not a call to simplicity, but a call to war. We need to think in terms of a "wartime lifestyle" rather than a "simple lifestyle."-- John Piper, The Dangerous Duty of Delight
Do you live a wartime lifestyle? Do you focus all your efforts and energies on accomplishing the mission given to all believers? All believers are not called to go to the mission field, just like every American was not called to fight on D-Day. But every American was called on to support the war against Nazi Germany during WWII. So are all believers called to support the mission of the gospel. God gives us talents and resources that we must employ to accomplish the mission! God gives to some believers wealth, to some courage, to some time, to some jungle huts, but to all believers God gives the very same mission! What are you living for?